Most of people travelling to Ha Noi would like to try “pho” because of its fame. Although pho can be found in all regions in Viet Nam, pho in Ha Noi is complimented as the tastiest dish. Every single bowl of pho has sweet flavour of broth, fragrance of ginger, spicy of chilli and tender beef. Chicken noodles and beef noodles are available in every corners, however the most famous place are pho Thin (Bo Ho), pho Hop tac xa Mua Thu (Ly Quoc Su), pho 24, pho Gia Truyen (49 Bat Dan)…
Considered as treasure of Ha Noi capital, Bun cha is served with grilled fatty pork over a plate of white rice noodle and herbs with a side dish of dipping sauce. Ha Noi is home of delicious Bun cha restaurants: 1st Hang Manh Street, Tram alley, Hang Chieu alley, bamboo sticks Bun cha in alley No. 81 Lac Long Quan street. Recently, former American president Obama has visited Ha Noi and tried Bun cha in Huong Lien restaurant (24 Le Van Huu ), this event make bun cha in Ha Noi more and more famous.
“Cha ca” is a favourite dish of Hanoian. Located in Cha Ca street, Cha Ca La Vong (La Vong grilled fish) is the famous restaurant to many Hanoian as well as visitors from all over the world. This dish was noted in “1000 places to see before you die” by Patricia Schultz. Otherwise, La Vong grilled fish restaurant was ranked 5/10 places to see before die by MSNBC (America). This dish seems to be a simple but special: in the middle of table, a large pan is filled with chunks of fish fillets, dill, and onions, surrounded by a plate of greens, peanuts, rice vermicelli, scallions and a bowl of shrimp sauce – a strong smelling, purple shrimp paste. The unique taste of shrimp paste will complete the flavor of this dish. In Ha Noi, the earliest restaurant at No. 14 Cha ca (owned by Doan family) should be the first choice when you’re seeking for particular quality and flavor.
In addition, Ha Noi is also well-known thanks to many other special dishes such as “green rice cake”, “spring roll” , “bun thang”, “stuffed pancake” , “Salted (sugared) dry fruit” on Hang Duong street, lotus tea, jasmine tea…
Travelling to Ha Noi, tourists should not miss amazing experience such as taking a cyclo or green car for sightseeing. Or else, visitors can rent a bike or a motorbike to explore street food by themselves.
Phuong Thao