The island belongs to Xuan Thanh ward, to the South of Song Cau town in Phu Yen province. From Pham Van Dong street, the main road of Song Cau town, from the North, entering just past the Tam Giang bridge, turn left into Nguyen Hong Son street, and walk along the coast for a few kilometers, and you will see the island. If going from Tuy Hoa to Song Cau, when passing the district bridge on National Highway 1A, turn right at the foot of the bridge, go for less than 1 km to arrive.
The special thing about this small island is that it is normally an island in the middle of the beautiful Xuan Dai bay, but when the tide falls, there will be a sand hill connecting the "island" to the mainland, making it easy for people to walk to the island, even at times when the water is so low that cars can reach the island.
Normally, from the beginning of the month, from the 1st to the 15th of the lunar calendar, the tide falls in the afternoon; from the 15th to the end of the month, the tide falls in the morning. The best time to visit Nhat Tu Son is from February to August.
Besides the unique natural walking path, Nhat Tu Son attracts visitors with its green landscapes. The island is surrounded by a fairly wide "rock layer." The walking path around the island is mainly on the natural stone beaches. There are some places where people have built simple concrete bridges to cross small ditches safely.
At the end of the road, past the rocks, there was a small cave entrance that looked like an underground pipeline that led to the other side of the island. Every now and then, from the cave, sea water will shoot out like white saliva. Walk all the way past the rocks and around the island and you will find a scenic botanical garden with beautiful birds and Koi fish ponds hidden under the greenery.
For those who still want to explore, there is a route to the mountain with stone steps leading to the Buddha statue on top of the mountain. From here, you can experience the full view of the magnificent scenery of the sea, the sky, and the mountains. The mountains on the island are also not too high,so it is not too hard to conquer.
Currently, the island does not allow guests to stay. After 6 pm, the cano will stop operating and visitors will have to leave the island. When you have finished exploring this interesting island, if you have canoes parked on the island, you can ride them to the mainland right away. Otherwise, just stand on the island waving your hat, and the canoe will run out to pick up guests. Although simple, Nhat Tu Son is definitely an interesting destination for visitors to Phu Yen.
Quynh Hoa
(Vietnam Today 5.2022)