With a mission to turn customers journeys into unforgettable experience, Becamex Hospitality in over 7 years of operation has been incessantly improving, developing and renewing itself in every way. Innovating look of the official portal is an important step, marking the transformation of our business into a new stage, has continued to conquer the mission.
Currently, the new website has been restructured with many changes that not only has advertised the image and the company’s subsidiaries widely and directly to customers, partners and investors; but also have offered to the public and visitors to the multi-functional perspective on dynamic, modern, passionate that Becamex Hospitality has constantly providing each day. These critically important changes mentioned that are covering: These critically important changes mentioned that are covering:
1. Officially launch new website of parent company Becamex Hospitality of http://becamexhotels.com.
2. Differentiate 2 hotels website with easy platform of https://newcity.becamexhotels.com/ and https://thudaumot.becamexhotels.com/
3. Standardization of language structures in 5 languages of English, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean and Chinese to create effective information search.
4. Introduction and integration of information, as well as links to the official website of Owner Company’s website and partners.
5. New minimalist design of the interface, combined with the use of subtle brand color that increases the brand identity; simultaneously not breaking the overall style of the site.
6. Restructuring the web content by providing professional site map
7. Increased interaction through hotel’s social media channels Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
8. Automatically share guest’s instant feedback via hotel’s TrustYou platform
9. Friendly view on different devices of computer, laptop, iPad, smartphone
10. Allow visitors to register for latest update and news by just entering email address
With such constant efforts, the Becamex Hospitality has played an important role in promoting and strengthening both of internal and external of its brand and this is obviously a great step for the strategic plans in the future.
Anh Thu